To access the site, solve the math. You must use all three calculators to perform the calculations, and the functions include SIN, COS, LOG, and more.

Calculate the angle θ such that:
sin(θ) + cos(θ) = log(θ) ⋅ eθ
Note: θ is in radians, and e is Euler's number.

With the value of θ, use it to find:
ABS(θ / ln(θ2)) = TAN(θ ⋅ EXP(sin(θ)))

If both equations are satisfied, the value of θ reveals the solution.

- The first equation must be calculated on Calculator #1. Use trigonometric functions and logarithms to isolate θ.
- The second equation requires Calculator #2 and Calculator #3 to confirm your results and verify consistency across different calculations.
- Use the parentheses buttons ( ) to carefully construct your operations.

Calculator # 1
Calculator # 2
Calculator # 3